Assessing the role of County Engagement Forums in PCVE in Kenya.
December 18, 2023
February 9, 2024
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This report summarizes key findings from a household survey in Korogocho and Kawangware, Nairobi. High insecurity is a key concern in both settlements, pointing to the need for sustained efforts to improve security in both areas. Residents in Korogocho were more likely to have experienced more violence in the neighbourhood, and they had witnessed or been victims of crime, than those in Kawangware. Conversely, more respondents in Kawangware than in Korogocho reported they had experienced violence during a public protest or march. This pattern is in line with the sense that Kawangware has been a more politically contentious area than Korogocho in recent years and also experienced large-scale political protest during 2023. Despite respondents’ frequent experience with crime, they reported relatively low levels of fear of experiencing crime, pointing to a normalisation of insecurity.

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