This workshop note draws from insights and reflections of state and non-state stakeholders who participated in the Kilifi County Prevention and Countering Extremism (PCVE) policy workshop held on 23rd July 2024. Convened by the Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) under the USAID Sauti Yako, Amani Yako programme, the workshop brought together representatives from the national and county governments, public benefit organisations (PBOs), persons with disabilities (PWDs), community and religious leaders, academics and the private sector. It focuses on the role of the blue economy in preventing and countering violent extremism. The Workshop note also reflects on the progress and challenges the state and civil society actors encounter in creating an enabling environment for a more coordinated Whole-of- Government (WoG) and Whole-of-Society (WoS) approach to PCVE efforts in Kilifi County. It is tailored to development actors at both state and non-state levels who have a focus on peace, P/CVE, governance, and economic empowerment, including designers, policymakers, donors, practitioners, and other actors working to influence social change.