Blue Economy and P/CVE in Kilifi County
October 24, 2024
Lessons for localising PCVE Interventions in Lamu County
October 24, 2024
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This note draws from discussions and recommendations of a workshop held on 18th July 2024 reflecting on the impacts of research, policy, and programming responses to violent extremism in Kwale County. Convened by the Centre for Human Rights and Policy Studies (CHRIPS) under the USAID Sauti Yako, Amani Yako programme, the workshop brought together various stakeholders. These include the National Government, County Government representatives, community and religious leaders, kaya elders, County Engagement Forum (CEF) representatives, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), women leaders, youths, academics, and People with Disability (PWD) representatives. This workshop note focuses on youth involvement in preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE) in Kwale County, identifying barriers to their engagement, and suggesting evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice. It is tailored to development actors at both state and non-state levels who have a focus on youth empowerment and P/CVE including designers, policy makers, donors, and practitioners including youth-serving organisations and other actors working to influence change.

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